Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Time Flies

Wow! Last night I attended Kyle's last middle school band concert. In August he'll be a 9th grader. It's so hard to believe. He's such a handsome young man and smart too. The high school girls were hitting on him back stage. Oh man! Let me get my hands on them. LOL! Not really. I am confident that Kyle has great morals and will be a joy to his teachers and peers in the next 4 years. It seems like only yesterday he was talking to the elderly neighbors over the fence. (sigh) How Time flies????

Zachary is leaving his elementary life behind and will be in junior high come August. He also is growing up to be quite the young man. He's excited about athletics. This will be his first year to participate. I have a feeling the next couple of years will be quite interesting. He's went through 3 sizes of clothing this year alone. Seems like just yesterday he was pouring sugar on my kitchen floor and running his match box cars through it proclaiming, "it's 'nowing momma, it's 'nowing".

Then there's Hannah. She turns 5 next week. She has grown like a weed this past year. The little fragile girl has beaten the odds and become strong and well. She's beautiful and a mess. LOL! I'm going to try my hand at schooling her this year and I'm really looking forward to it. There's nothing more exciting then seeing little minds at work. Especially hers. I can't believe 5 years have past since she was in NICU with only a 50% chance of survival. It's exciting when I look back and see the fight she put up for life. She's an amazing little girl and I can't wait to see the woman she becomes.

Last night as I was driving home from the concert I saw the most beautiful sunset. I've never really thought about sunsets. So many writers focus on the sunrise. But with every sunrise there is a sunset. As I thought of all the sunsets in my children's life I was very thankful that I was there to witness the sunset of each experience as well as the rise. That is a miraculous gift. One to savor and treasure. If we only had sunrises we'd never know the joy of accomplishments. Think about it.

Living and Learning,

Monday, May 08, 2006

Love and Fear

Wow, It's been that long since I posted on my blog? Shame on me. I haven't shared my blog with anyone just yet. Maybe soon. We'll see.

Live and Learn is still the undercurrent running in my life right now. It's both scary and exciting. I've got more "ideas" than I have time. If I can only figure out how to implement some of those "ideas" without making a total mess of things I would be one happy person.

Recently I came to realize how much fear is a part of my life. As I'm sure it's a big part of most peoples lives. In the Christian ranks we talk a lot about love and how it cast out fear. So, if we love ourselves, does that love cast out fear? I believe it does. If that love comes from Christ and I believe he wants us to care and love ourselves then that love will also cast out fear. I wonder if the lack of love for ourselves is the key reason most of us still have fear. We have love all around us. Our family, friends, pastors, teachers, spouses, and God himself love us and we still have fear. What if we add the love for ourselves and that makes it the "perfect" love? I am no theologian. These are just my ponderings. Anyway, I'm going to work on the "loving self" thing and see if it helps with my fears. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Well, I should get busy around here. My quote for the day is from Eleanor Roosevelt, "It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan".

Living and Learning,